
Showing posts from August, 2018

Christianity Cannot Be a Religion for Modern Society

Christianity Cannot Be a Religion for Modern Society               Being a Christian may be beneficial to an individual because he can talk to God, his life becomes easier, he can die with more ease, etc. We need to note that these benefits accrue to an individual. Game theory teaches that individual benefits are not necessarily consistent with social benefits. In other words, pursuit of individual benefits can make all people worse off. This mechanism is called the prisoner’s dilemma. Individual rationality does not necessarily mean social rationality, contrary to the individualistic philosophy of Western society.               Religious wars are an example of the prisoner’s dilemma here. People involved think that they are right and that their enemy is wrong. They may even think that their enemy must be eliminated because of wrong belief. Religious wa...

Wars and Religion

Wars and Religion               I would like to claim that religion is closely related to wars. There have been many religious wars in history. Even wars that are not directly related to religion are sometimes indirectly related to it in the sense that strategies are chosen by religious criteria as in the case of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In addition, inhuman acts in wars are often overlooked because churchmen or other moral leaders are silent about them for religious reasons as in the case of Nazi’s Holocaust.               Take here an example of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East opened after WWII. It was actually a ‘cultural war’ between Japan and victorious or Christian countries. It was obviously illegal because it applied ex-post facto law, but there were virtually no Western churchmen or jurists who opposed ...

Why USA dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (2)

Why USA dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (2)               USA is unique in the sense that it is the only religious developed nation in the world. Christianity is so deeply rooted in Americans’ daily life and politics. The wars it has had are no exceptions.               It dropped atomic bombs over Japan because Americans believed that Christianity allows killing non-Christians such as Japanese. There was a Catholic chaplain who lent moral and religious support to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.* Furthermore, no American cardinals or bishops opposed the mass slaughter of Japanese people, which is similar to the cases of massacring Native Americans and enslaving black people. Christianity teaches love of one's neighbors but Christians carried out massacres of Native Americans, Australian Aborigines, Jews, and Japanese. So did Marx...

Why USA dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1)

Why USA dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1)               USA dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to kill hundreds thousands of Japanese people and tortured many survivors for a long time. An a-bomb is so massively destructive that it cannot be used without insanity. The acts of having dropped a-bombs can be rightly compared to Nazi’s Holocaust. Indeed, the method of killing by a-bombs was much more inhuman than by a poison gas.               American people have been taught in school and broadcast that the bombing was necessary to end the war and save a million American lives. However, this is a completely fabricated story to justify the mass destruction and to reduce the consciousness of sin of American people. Well before the bombing the Japanese had already lost ability to fight the war and been trying to surrender. The f...