Why USA dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (2)

Why USA dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (2)
              USA is unique in the sense that it is the only religious developed nation in the world. Christianity is so deeply rooted in Americans’ daily life and politics. The wars it has had are no exceptions.
              It dropped atomic bombs over Japan because Americans believed that Christianity allows killing non-Christians such as Japanese. There was a Catholic chaplain who lent moral and religious support to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.* Furthermore, no American cardinals or bishops opposed the mass slaughter of Japanese people, which is similar to the cases of massacring Native Americans and enslaving black people.
Christianity teaches love of one's neighbors but Christians carried out massacres of Native Americans, Australian Aborigines, Jews, and Japanese. So did Marxists, but this is because Marxism derived from Christianity. Thus Christianity is responsible for all the prominent massacres history has witnessed. It killed millions of people rather than saved them. How horrible!
Christianity may be beneficial to those who believe it. But game theory teaches that individual rationality is not necessarily consistent with social rationality, i.e. what is beneficial to an individual is not necessarily so to the whole world. The above massacres demonstrate this.
It should be also noted that the ‘Pacific War’ was tinged with religion from the beginning. Franklin Roosevelt** extremely hated Japanese people probably because few of them had converted themselves to Christianity. In order to attract American support, Chiang Kai-shek’s wife Soong Mei-ling lectured actively in churches around USA and aroused Americans’ hatred toward Japanese by saying that they were non-Christians and barbarous. Without studying Japanese and Chinese by themselves, these naive Americans trusted her simply because she was a Christian.

* Catholic airmen were selected for the bombing because of the American religious hierarchy.
** Franklin Roosevelt’s grandfather made a fortune by engaging himself in opium trade in China.

Comments and questions are welcome.

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