31/1/2018 Why neoliberalism is harmful (4)
Summing up, I have mentioned that neoliberalism is harmful because of the following reasons: (1) It considers only partial efficiency. It does not consider the efficiency of whole society. (2) In particular it does not discuss organization efficiency since the production functions are exogenously given, even though firms are its object of analysis. (3) Hence, it claims that the economy is efficient however lazy or untrustworthy the individuals are. (4) Similarly, it does not consider how family members can become happy. (5) Even the markets in the real economy are very likely to be inefficient because complete contracts are impossible due to astronomically high transaction costs. (6) It does not consider many factors that make the consumer happy such as her good human relations with others, her kindness to others, or the happiness of her descendants. (7) Therefore policies based on neoliberalism tend to generate inefficient firms (organizations), households, communities,...