1/1/2018 Which culture is of higher quality?

              I would like to compare Japanese culture with Anglo-American culture and ask for your evaluation.
              In the battle of Singapore in the Second World War the British commander Arthur Percival surrendered to the Japanese commander Tomoyuki Yamashita. Winston Churchill described it as the worst disaster in British military history. Percival must have experienced deep humiliation. After the war Yamashita was put to death by hanging (not by shooting) in a prison uniform. Percival was invited by Douglas MacArthur and attended the execution.
              There is a similar story concerning the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Each member of the American SOF that made a surprise attack on his hiding place in Pakistan had a camera on his helmet to video the full details of his death. President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and several other top leaders of the USA gathered in a room in Washington to watch the on-the-spot video.*
              Maresuke Nogi was a Japanese commander in the Russo-Japanese War and allowed the Russian general Anatoly Stessel to wear a sword in the surrender meeting. In addition, Nogi tried to prevent Stessel from being exposed to many people.
              Which do you think is of higher quality, Japanese culture or Anglo-American culture? These facts will be kept recorded in human history and show what all these people thought inside.

* http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/2798163?pid=7163291

Comments and questions are welcome.
Kazuhiro Arai’s English twitter:        https://twitter.com/araikazuhiroe88
Kazuhiro Arai’s Japanese blog:         https://araikazuhiro.blogspot.jp/
Kazuhiro Arai’s Japanese twitter:      https://twitter.com/araikazuhiro88
Kazuhiro Arai’s Japanese home page:   http://araikazuhiro.world.coocan.jp/


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