23/1/2018 Why neoliberalism is harmful (3)

There is also a pathological aspect in the very concept of market efficiency in neoclassical economics. Consider an economy where all people are lazy. They are poor since their productivity is low. However, this economy is efficient in the sense of neoclassical economics if those people act from self-interest. The same is true of an economy where all people are untrustworthy and cooperation is hard to be achieved. These pathologies arise because efficiency is considered under the assumption that the production functions are exogenously given. However low the productivity is, the economy is efficient in neoclassical economics so far as each individual acts from self-interest!
As mentioned, market efficiency in neoclassical economics requires complete contracts, but they are impossible in almost all transactions in the real economy because of high transaction costs. For instance, complete contracts between employer and employee would entail astronomical costs and be virtually impossible to be made. What would be the complete contracts between teachers and pupils’ parents?
Hence, implicit contracts become essential to transactions in the real economy against the first proposition of welfare economics. In other words, cultural or ethical factors such as trust and self-restraint are very important for efficiency. The relative importance between explicit and implicit contracts depends on the type of transaction. For example, the former is more important in insurance markets, while the latter in education markets.
Neoliberalism has a belief that human beings can be completely controlled by the law and contracts. It claims that various cultures should be eliminated because they become obstacles to free trade. However, we need to rely on a culture of high quality for efficiency of our economy, since most contracts can never be complete. If neoliberalism dominates society, ethical behavior weakens and the markets become inefficient.
              The utility function of neoclassical economics is also pathological. Each individual becomes happier there only if she consumes more market goods. She does not feel happiness in her good human relations with others, her kindness to others, or the happiness of her descendants. It is obvious that this utility function does not describe happiness of real human beings.
              In relation to this theoretical problem, I would like to point out an important fact that neoclassical economics ignores. Many people especially older people in modern society are extremely lonely. Some are found dead after several weeks from their death. These lonely people must experience infinite pain, but neoclassical economics does not have a concept of disutility deriving from loneliness. This must be a result of the individualistic discipline.
              Neoclassical economics is an academic paradigm but neoliberalism is a political movement that forces freedom in every part of society by abusing neoclassical economics for the benefit of a few people. How harmful neoliberalism is!

Comments and questions are welcome.
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