Shusaku Endo’s Silence and Christianity (2)

Shusaku Endo’s Silence and Christianity (2)
              Shusaku Endo wrote Silence by assuming that all what Christians do is right and that a ban on Christianity is wrong. This is the fundamental reason why it is biased. It may be enjoyable for Christians to write and read such a novel but it is quite childish to do so. From the facts and logic discussed above, it is obvious that the author himself is wrong. Christian faith makes people blind to real facts.
What is heinous regarding the work is that Endo describes the missionaries with dignity but both Japanese Christians and non-Christians with coarseness. This is more conspicuous in the movie by Martin Scorsese.
Kichijiro, a very important fictitious supporting actor, plays a role of dishonoring Japanese people. But there have been very few Japanese like Kichijiro. Japanese Christians were known as honest and earnest. This was a reason exceptionally many died martyrs in Japan. Endo used Kichijiro to reflect his wicked inside as he openly admitted. He also used this character to remind the readers of Judas.
The movie of Silence describes wicked Japanese officials, which is also against reality. Did Martin Scorsese see those officials? It shows nothing but his prejudice or what he would do and desire to despise non-Christian Japanese. How wicked he is!
Silence reveals a most serious defect of Christianity. Christians firmly believe and are forced to believe by their daily practice that they are always right and that non-Christians are wrong. They lack a sense of relativization. This is one of the fundamental causes of the serious problems in today’s world.

Comments and questions are welcome.

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