What USA did to Japan

What USA did to Japan
              As I wrote before, USA instigated Japan to start the Japan-US war through several economic sanctions including the oil embargoes in 1940 and 1941, which could be considered a virtual war declaration on Japan at that time. It was aware of the Pearl Harbor attack beforehand by listening in to the communications of the Japanese Navy. This was why aircraft carriers Enterprise and Lexington and newly built escort vessels were not at the harbor and only old warships were moored there. In spite of these facts, USA insisted that Japan had carried out a sneaky attack. There are many wars including the Vietnam War that were started without a declaration.
              USA dropped countless incendiary bombs over Tokyo on the 10th of March 1941 and killed more than a hundred thousand civilians. It dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed a few hundred thousand civilians. These were serious violation of international law.
              After the war USA occupied Japan and did many illegal things. It forced a new constitution to make her unable to challenge it militarily. It required her to renounce the right of belligerency. These were also against international law. It burnt many Japanese books and exercised strict censorship over the press. It prohibited practicing martial arts in Japan. It prohibited Japan from producing air planes because it feared Japan’s high technology of plane production.
              What Japan did to USA? It seems that USA is a country which is totally obsessed with an idea that it must be always number one and it is free to destroy completely the enemy it has imagined. I do not understand why American intellectuals are silent about this matter.

Comments and questions are welcome.

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