14/3/2018 Western Illusions about China
people seem to have illusions about China. First of all, most of them cannot
distinguish China from Japan. China is a country that lacks freedom of speech
and law governance. Many people there are extremely poor.
civilization is quite different from Chinese civilization, as is discussed in Samuel
Huntington’s The Clash of Civilizations
and the Remaking of World Order. Japan is a country that has highest levels
of freedom of speech and law governance. Equality prevails in most aspects of
Japanese society.
western illusions about China have led some countries to have close
relationships with it. Germany is one of them and supplied it with weapons and
staff when Japan had the Tripartite Pact with Germany and fought with China.
Today’s Germany seems still very friendly to it.
USA also employed
unwise policies toward China. It supplied China with weapons and staff around
WWII to fight with Japan. But it fought with the Communist China in the Korean
War. In the 1970s USA invited the Communist China to the international
community by opening its market and offering the position of a permanent member
of the Security Council. Now China is again its enemy. How inconsistent the US
diplomatic policies have been!
Roosevelt had extremely distorted images of China and Japan. He liked Chinese
because his grandfather made a fortune by opium trade there. In contrast, he
hated Japanese and wanted to eliminate them from the earth. This was one of the
basic causes of the ‘Pacific War.’ The dirty business of opium trade by his
grandfather was an indirect cause of the war. Personal emotions change world
USA has used
China to check Japan’s power. It has feared Japan most in the world because it knew
her strength during the war and she has the right to retaliate against it with
A-bombs. USA has been extremely eager to prevent Japan from possessing A-bombs.
Japan is not a childish country, but USA is considering that Japan will behave
as it would under the same circumstances.
It is
believed that China will soon exceed USA in economic and military strength. The
illusions that the USA cherished about China have brought about this dangerous reality.
Comments and questions are welcome.
Email: kazuhiro.arai888@gmail.com
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