13/11/2017 Tokyo is exciting!

             Tokyo is a very exciting city. There are several reasons.
First, it has so many attractive restaurants full of variety. I guarantee that anyone from any part of the world would be satisfied with the food. Moreover, the number of high quality restaurants by the Michelin standard is larger in Tokyo than in any other city in the world.
Second, you can get almost anything in the shops. You can buy any electronic and even rocket parts in Akihabara, which is well-known among many people in the world. Tokyo has huge bookstores that enable you to spend a whole day reading new books there. Jimbocho street is famous for antiquarian and secondhand bookshops. You can enjoy even natural hot springs near the center of Tokyo*.
Third, high-quality arts are available every day in Tokyo, which has many theaters, concert halls, and museums. You can easily gain access to top-class orchestral music, ballet, kabuki, etc.
              Fourth, there are many events and festivals going on every day. For example, it has more than one hundred universities, which have open lectures and symposiums regularly. There are countless clubs and groups that are open to the public for studies, hobbies, and diversions. Many kinds of festivals are held every year by citizens, department stores, local governments, etc.
              Fifth, Tokyo has a lot of places of historical interest. It is no exaggeration to say that every kilometer you walk will take you to another historical place. Kamakura, which is about 50 km away from the center of Tokyo, has temples and gardens that are about 800 years old.
              Sixth, Tokyo is the center of business and culture of Japan, which quite easily enables people sharing the same interest to meet each other. Those who graduated from the same university can meet quite easily, too. Incidentally, Tokyo has an extremely convenient train system.
Come and live in Tokyo! It would never bore you.

*The center of Tokyo normally means the area that has the Imperial Palace, the Diet Building, and Tokyo station.

Comments are welcome.

Kazuhiro Arai’s Japanese blog:          https://araikazuhiro.blogspot.jp/

Kazuhiro Arai’s Japanese home page:   http://araikazuhiro.world.coocan.jp/


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